Blue Knights®
Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club
United Kingdom & Ireland Conference

We are the UK & Ireland Conference, currently over 800 members strong part of a much larger 20,000 member International Motorcycle Club.
After over 40 years we're still riding strong. We consist of active & retired, Law Enforcement personnel, This includes Customs Officers, Prison Officers, Police Officers and Immigration Officers, Also Service Personnel with a power of arrest.
Our priorities are traditional of our founders the Blue Knights International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club to support charities, promote a positive motorcycling image, to maintain a respectable & professional image as law enforcement personnel & to do what we can to enhance a feeling of community with the other Bikers/Motorcyclists we share the road & world with.
Interested in becoming a member of the Blue Knights. Check out the membership requirements page provided in the membership link above.
Ride With Pride (Chairman Leonie Tromans)

"There are no strangers in the Blue Knights,
Just friends you haven't met yet"
"Ride with Pride"

Click on our recruiting poster to view, save and print to distribute as you wish.
The Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, is a non-profit fraternal organization consisting of active and retired law enforcement officers who enjoy riding motorcycles. In the Spring of 1974, several law enforcement officers from Bangor, Maine (USA) area met and formed a small, local motorcycle club.
Soon, Blue Knight chapters were being formed in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and beyond. With the addition of Canada, and later the rest of the world to became an international organization.
Our charitable organization has contributed over $18.8 million dollars toward various charities throughout the world since statistics were kept.
Our organization is comprised of active, and retired law enforcement officers and we strive to promote our organization as being a family fraternity. Spouses and children often accompany our members to the various rides and functions.
Members can ride a bike of their choosing, and are not mandated to riding an American made motorcycle (ie. Harley Davidson).
We do not have a probationary period for members, we believe we are all already brothers and sisters in the Law Enforcement family and everything that means.
Please visit our International and European Conference Site:
Exisitng Blue Knight Members Click below to signup